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Jamaican Root Tonic, for strengthening the body, toning up the system and sexual problems – Organic Roots
$49.00 – $208.00
The Jamaican Wood Root Tonic for strengthening the body, toning up the system and sexual problems
Ingredients: Black Wiss | Puron Bark | Chaney Root | Raw Moon | All-Man Strength |
Package contains five different roots that will be shipped chopped in small pieces.
You can also try our Herbura Root Tonic
Sample Herbs
One ounce each sample herbs
1. Sarsaparilla
2. Soursop leaf
3. Puran Bark
4. Search mi heart
5. Strong Back
6. Allman Strength
7. Chaney Root
8. Black Wiss
9. Anamu Guinea Henweed
10. Jack in the Bush