Guaco Mikania
Improve your respiratory health, kill bacteria, suppress coughs and more with the Jamaican Guaco Mikania SHOP NOW 100% Organic
Soursop Tree
Remedy nerves problems and fight cancer with Soursop Tree leaves SHOP NOW Graviola: Annona Muricata
Increase sexual stamina and boost your libido with
the Jamaican Sarsaparilla
SHOP NOW Smilax Ornata

View our products

Jamaican Sarsaparilla – Roots


Trumpet Tree – Leaves (Cecropia peltata)


Jamaican Guaco Mikania Powder Herb and Capsules


Strong Back Root, Jamaican Viagra (Morinda Royoc) Organic


Jamaican Chaney Root | Chaney Root – Crushed Roots


Medina Jamaican Herb (Alysicarpus vaginalis) Organic


Anamu Guinea Henweed/ Petiveria alliacea L


Dog blood bush (Rivina humilis)


Strong Back Jamaican Herb (Desmodium Incanum)


Allman Strength Jolt of Strength From Jamaica – Crushed Roots


Ra-Moon Bark, Jamaican Herb Ra-Moon – Crushed Roots


Trumpet Leaves Tea Bags – 36 Tea Bags


Graviola: Annona muricata -Sour Sop tree Leaves and Bark


Dried Ra-Moon Leaves (Trophis Racemosa) Male Sex Herb


Cerasee – Bitter Melon Herb and Capsules


Gumbo Limbo, Copper Wood (Bursera Simaruba) Barks – Powder


Cordoncillo Negro (Piper Aduncum L.) Organic


Jamaican Root Tonic, for strengthening the body, toning up the system and sexual problems – Organic Roots


Shama Macka – Sensitiva (Mimosa Pudica)


Puron Bark (Prunus Occidentalis) Crushed Roots


Dried Leaf of Life Powder (Bryophyllum Pinnatum)


Jamaican Chew Stick Gouania Lupuloides Organic Flavors – Powder


Moringa Leaf (dried)


Cocky Stick – Jamaica Roots


Four Man Strength – Four vine Wiss Crushed Roots


Black Wiss – Jamaican Herb- Crushed Roots


Irish Moss – Sea Moss


Breadfruit Leaves (Artocarpus Altilis)


Jamaican Blue Vervain (Stachytarpheta) Porterweed, organic Herb


Duppy Gun – Ruellia Tuberosa


Spanish Needle (bidens pilosa) leaves roots and stems


Dried Tea Tree Leaves (Melaleuca Alternifolia)


Search Mi Heart- (Rhytidophyllum tomentosum)


Jamaican Bissy (Cola Nut)


Fever grass/Lemon Grass


Hyptis Pectinata – Woman Piaba


Red Water Grass – Zebrina Pendula


Dried Jack In The Bush (Chromolaena odorata)


Guava Leaves- Lower Blood Sugar- Diabetes Tea


Chanca Piedra Organic Herb (phyllanthus niruri) Kidney Stone Breaker




Jamaican Bitter Wood (Picrasma excelsa) Barks


Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera)


Moringa Seeds Powder


 John Charles (Hyptis Verticillata)


Horny Goat Weed Powder – Organic


Jamaican Chaney Root and Sarsaparilla – Roots


Blood Wiss – Vitis Tiliifolia Crushed Roots
