The Jamaican Ginger, scientifically referred to as Zingiber Officinale, is an herb used in traditional medicine to fight different diseases. It has various medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antioxidant, anticoagulant, antiseptic, antiviral, antimicrobial, antiemetic, and so on. These are just a few of the properties of this herb and it explains why ginger is used in treating various ailments. Generally, Ginger is considered safe by the Food and Drug Administration. In alternative medicine, it has been used in treating a large number of sicknesses such as heart diseases, migraines, chronic fatigue, and cold. Traditionally, when combined with honey, ginger can be used in treating respiratory problems. In Jamaica, ginger is used in treating other illnesses such as diabetes, diarrhea, menstrual problems, diabetes, motion sickness, and so on. Ginger is effective in treating rheumatism and arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The Jamaican Ginger Tea can be purchased online at Island Herbs & Spices.

Ginger and Its Constituents

Ginger is popularly used globally, particularly in most Asian countries. Ginger is said to contain more than 400 different compounds when subjected to chemical analysis. The main constituents found in ginger rhizomes are lipids (3 – 8%), phenolic compounds, terpenes, and carbohydrates.

Use of Ginger for Alternative Medicine

The use of ginger as medicine as well as a spice in China and India can be traced to ancient times. As far back as the 9th century in Europe and from the 10th century in England, ginger has been known for its medicinal properties. Native Americans used wild ginger rhizomes in regulating heartbeat and menstruation. Ginger reduces nausea by directly acting on the gastrointestinal system. With this, it is used in preventing nausea resulting from surgery, motion sickness, and chemotherapy. Ginger is popularly known as a medication for nausea in pregnant women. Ginger is used in treating different types of other gastrointestinal problems such as colic, gas, morning sickness, bloating, flatulence, upset stomach, discomfort after a meal (dyspepsia), heartburn, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. The Indian Ayurvedic alternative medicine uses ginger in enhancing food digestion.

In addition to these, ginger has been used as pain relief for chest pain, arthritis, stomach pain, muscle soreness, menstrual pain, and low back pain. It is used as a natural antibiotic in treating bronchitis, cough, and other upper respiratory tract infections. With its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger is recommended for joint problems. Its juice extract has been used in treating skin burns. Ginger’s active component is used as antacid and laxative medications. It lowers high blood pressure and boosts circulation by warming the body. Also, due to this warming effect, ginger is used as an antiviral in treating flu and cold. Ginger has an appealing scent so much that is used as a flavoring agent in beverages and foods, and as a fragrance in cosmetics and soaps.

Browse our site for a wide selection of 100% organic Jamaican Spanish Ginger, and other herbs and spices today.